Tuesday, February 10, 2009

To Co-op or not to co-op

Cooperative games have been apart of the video game industry for years. But it seems to be a heated discussion throughout the industry if Cooperative gameplay(co-op for short) is an evolution or a pacing fade. In March Resident Evil 5 will be released with the whole game revolving around cooperative gameplay which in my opinion is a good thing. I felt Resident Evil 4 was a good game but I still felt like I was controlling a human tank(similar to all the resident evil games), Capcom still has not remedied that problem in my opinion but co-op could help the overall game. Since you are fighting people running with pitchforks and chainsaws its good to have a friend to have your back. The keyword here is "Friend" in games like Resident Evil or Gears of War I have zero interest playing with the A.I character or a complete stranger(there are some good and decent people on Xbox live but the dick to good person ration is 50,000 to 1). I might be a little judgmental before Resident Evil 5 is released but I have this weird feeling that the A.I character might go brain dead from time to time.

Don't Get me wrong I love playing games just single player but I feel that the best way to play a game like gears of war or even halo is to play cooperatively. Because you are working like a team or playing around causing chaos throughout the game.Both Gears of Wars seem to be built perfectly with two players. Rafael and I were able to use strategies, usually Rafael would use long range guns (sniper) I would go for close combat(lancer). One would cover the other and overall it was an enjoyable experience. Also, there are a lot of hole sh*t moments were something happens in the game that we both saw and had to talk about and laugh at what happened .I doubt I would have as much fun playing this game and many other games that are built around cooperative play solo. Until a game that has A.I characters that are just as good as a human, I think I will stick with playing games with a friend.

P.S Might have a Gears of War 2 review soon.

1 comment:

Rafael said...

Totally agree. All about the Co-op!

What do you mean might have a blog about Gears 2?