Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Well I am starting to play madden 2009 now that I have a xbox360 .I have been a very big football fan for years and madden series has worked hand in hand with the NFL itself. The release of a new Madden is the unofficial kickoff for the NFL season. I use to play other madden games constantly my favorite at the time being madden 2005, but since coming into this generation of consoles The Madden series has been a mix bad. I still enjoy playing madden 2009 but I fill that it has gotten a little to complicated. The learning curve seems to take a little while long to learn all the quirks of the game.It's still fun but I think they need to find a balance keep the simulation elements but not to realistic.

The Madden series over the past 10 years has become more simulation then arcade and overall I think it is good. I fill that Madden 2005 is the best in the Madden series in recent memory . My opinion might change the more I play Madden 2009, but right now I am leaning towards 2005. First in the game play department it seemed to balance itself perfectly ,older madden slight improvements offense and defense but by the 2004 edition the offense was overpowered. Madden 2005 balanced the game play so both sides of the ball felt powerful. Another feature that I miss is the use of newspaper and EA sports radio were they had radio host Tony Bruno interview players,also league news and big games of the week.It was not always perfect but I felt when playing the game in franchise mode gave the game a sense of immersion. It also gave me more motivation to do better in the game to reach a milestone and to get your team on national newspapers. Yes it might seem nerdy ,but for me it was cool.

Still have to play this version of Madden longer to see if it sticks or just an okay Madden. Its still fun and I always love playing with other people but I was getting frustrated with some of the outcomes, but such as life its not perfect. I was getting a headache dealing with some of the gameplay quirks or it was dealing with the game freezing, which seems to happen often with the madden series(or I just have bad luck).Well I am hoping this headache goes away soon, not sure I will play the game tonight.

One last thing this blog has gone through some slight changes.I have to thank my sister helping me clean it up(Janine'site) and Rafael for the image.

1 comment:

Rafael said...

Thank you Andre. I know that I am the only one who pictured Washington fighting for the Drizzolution.

Next, You will hear commonfolk (Chris) standing in the street shouting "Give me Liberty, or Give me the Drizzle!"