Saturday, February 14, 2009

23 and Dusting Your Shoulders Off

Turned 23 today kind of weird but at the same time I am dealing with it fine.Its just a number I am the same person I was yesterday just a day older. My personality has changed and think I have gotten wiser over the years.Over the span of a year between 22 and 23 I have seen and done a lot ,I graduated college(drove back and forth to Columbus for 3 weeks), met great people, got closer to Family and friends. Everyone and myself was apart of one of the craziest years I can recall.Saw Barack Obama become President! Also dealt with not having a job,not in school,no car, family health issues, depression and yes some hopelessness. But, If you get knocked down you get up and dust yourself off.

This has been said several times and it is very true not everything is perfect and life does not go by a blueprint. This story comes to mind, one of my favorite magazines Electronic Gaming Monthly(EGM for short)recently closed down also the majority of there online staff at were fired as well. After a day of dealing with there termination from the former employer. They got back up and created there own gaming sites and podcasts. Also, With the help from thousands of people they are able to work on something they all love. Which to me is a encouraging story.

I know times are rough and things will get better. I am happy that I started this blog and have great friends joining me(Rafael,Kevin,Chris).Also I am looking towards the future with a possible job opportunity and going into grad school.Everything is not perfect but I have to work with what I have and cease opportunities that come up.

Thanks to everyone for the Birthday messages.


Kdubs said...

glad to have you on the blog thing also bro. I'm sorry i wasn't there for your bday! Next bday will be different, either you'll be in DC with me or ill be in ATL with you.
Keep up the great writing! Miss you bro!

Andre said...

Thanks kevin

Secret Agent Michael Scarn said...

For your present, I'm going to give you an XBox 360, a can of Axe Body Spray, and a big black dildo.

Let's do this!


Rafael said...

Chris... For the last time! Stop trying to lure Andre. You know he likes to play 360.

(Andre, I'm pretty sure Andre is trying to rape you)

Happy Birthday, buddy. I will see you soon.