Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Going back

Given the climate of the current economy there seems to be a trend to end are ways of spending to tighten the belt.Which is a good thing but also a double edged sword, we need to consume but also stay fiscally secure. This goes for gaming as well, the video game industry was once scene as "recession proof" but in the recent months that has not been true .

I don't have the remedy for Electronic Arts and several other companies that just laid off workers. I think Electronic Arts was doing the right thing looking at the long term and creating new franchises (Dead space,Mirror's Edge), rather then Activisions approach of flooding the market with sequels every year(Guitar hero I am looking at your direction). Don't get me wrong Electronic Arts does do sequels every year look at all there ea sports franchises(Madden, FIFA,Tiger Woods), but at least they are trying to have a balance of old and new.

Now to people like you and me, we can't take as many risks now instead, we focus on games that we are comfortable with and have long shelf life(fallout 3, WOW, GTA4). But, I think we need to know that there is alternatives to those games either try something new or heck even go back to old games.I would say many people still have their old video game consoles.If you have an old SNES,Genesis or Playstation1 or N64 blow the dust off of it and play your old games or even find a copy of a game you always wanted to play.

Places like Play-n-Trade and Ebgames have sections dedicated to old used games, give those a try. Case in point one of the most enjoyable games I have played with someone else over the past three years was my old copy of Looney Tunes B-Ball.Heck since you have to be smart with your money you might as well play some games at home with friends and family (I know that whole human interaction thing).

Its times like this that we have to be smart and still take risks.Playing old games can be beneficial for you in the short term. Saving up money to buy newer games and help game companies in the long term as well.Electronic Arts and other companies short term problems will be solved in the long term.

Note- This post was going to be a nostalgia trip about Looney Tunes B-ball.But this came to mind instead.


Rafael said...

Going retro are we? does that include the 70's porn 'stash?

Andre said...

Hmmm.... does anyone have photoshop