Monday, February 16, 2009

The Good The Bad and The Drizzle

This train keeps on going, having a good time doing this.Well today was an interesting day first with the good I have a job now,its part-time but its something. I don't fill that I am in as much of a bind compared to the last few months.I will still update this blog and having a job now will help improve the blog and possibly expand plans I have in the future for this site. Now to the bad news, bad may have been a overstatement but the situation Rafael and I were is was interesting to say the least.

Car problems seem to plague all of us from time to time. I for one has had my fare share of bad luck with cars with breakdowns.This was a rough weekend for Rafael and his car if you want to hear some of the story check out Rafael's blog(updated soon).

Now back to plan for this blog. I am now in possession of an Xbox360 thanks to kevin.Which means that I can do more timely reviews of games that I have played. The first game I will be playing is Madden NFL 2009(again thanks kevin),But I will also try to compare Madden 2009 to other games in the Madden Series most likely the 2002 and 2005 editions. I should have that up in a few days, I also just reinstalled No One lives Forever 2 so I am looking forward to that as well.I will also try to have more music oriented posts for example what albums are being released each week.


Kdubs said...
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Kdubs said...

who are you kidding..
"the good" rafael, "the bad" yours truly...ass! but i agree.

Rafael said...

Keivn don't be so hard on yourself... pun intended?

also, now I have "The Weight of Her" stuck in my head because the verification word is weight... Awsome