Friday, February 20, 2009

Street Fighter!!!

Street Fighter 4 was released this week after a long wait.It is the first new number sequel in the Street Fighter series in over an decade(Street Fighter 3 was released in 1997). Street fighter 4 is looking great and has gotten positive reviews since it has been released. When I saw the first video over a year or so ago I was excited at the prospect of playing the game that I loved when I was a child. I Liked Street Fighter 3 Series but my favorite is the Street Fighter 2 series. So hearing that Street Figther 4 is similarly based on Street fighter 2 this was one of those games I cant wait to play. Also the game looks great and is a 2D, 3D hybrid look to it and fits perfectly with the Street Fighter series art style.

I remember playing Street Fighter 2 First in the arcade in the local bowling ally with my friends when I was in California.I was 7 at the time and trying to compete against Six graders and being completely destroyed by people who really knew how to play the game. Once Street Fighter 2 was on the SNES and Sega Genesis it was the go to game for everyone. Pretty much every time I went to rent a game that was one of the games I always seemed to get. I think fighting games have lost some of its charm from the golden days fighting games with Street Fighter and the Mortal Kombat series.To this day I will think the Street Fighter series is better but that is something for another post. The fighting game genre is still popular but is manly focused on a smaller niche of gamers.Many people are hoping that Street Fighter 4 will bring back the fighting game genre back into the mainstream, time will tell if Street Fighter 4 Will be successful in this endeavor.

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