Friday, August 31, 2012

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Its been Awhile

Its been over a year since I started this blog.Its good to write again since its been along time for any updates(April to be exact).Other things have come up, most notably my job at Delta,which is going well as of right now.I hope to continue to write for the drizzolution and Luckie Street Tribune,since I have enjoyed writing for both. Expect an update on both sites on the coming days.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Friday, April 3, 2009

Back in the swing of things

Well its been a few weeks now since my last update just been busy. But I should have updated this blog a little bit more then I have.The new job is going well and good to see money in my bank account now, after not working for months trying to find a job having something is good.Also trying to figure out how to improve Luckie Street Tribune and to get more people to see it. We are planing on doing a podcasts and maybe other things to ad to the blog so stay tuned for that, not sure when it will be but it might come up soon.Next week Kevin will be back in town so we will have a meeting on the direction of Luckie Street Tribune with Rafael and Chris. Also, going to the Braves game opening night which is awesome as well.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Work and Luckie street

First official day at delta went well and will be a interesting job. Already have sore knees from working in a bin of some of the planes but knee pads might help that next time.Well to other news I official put up a note on Facebook for Luckie Street Tribune, trying to think of other ways to promote the blog if anyone has suggestions I would live to hear.Also top five songs have listened to recently

1. 9 crimes -Daman Rice (Chris got this song stuck in my head)
2. Breathe-U2
3. Digging my own grave-Thrice
4. Golden Lady- Stevie Wonder
5. Watch Out - Atmosphere